Tuesday, December 4, 2007

25 Days of Jewelry-Day 5

I had a hard time selecting a piece from The Vintage Jewelry Box, she has so many funky-freaky pieces but I think these re purposed garter clips are about the most inventive things I've ever seen! Definitely good for a double take! I say grab some and wear it to a PTA meeting or a church pot luck and see what turns up...I'm just twisted that way. She insists that the garters have never been worn and that's cool however, what's she doing with a pile of garter clips in the first place? Has she stocked up in anticipation of something or has she scouted around town gathering them all up? And furthermore, if she has indeed gone out and procured them, did she acquire them all at once in one place no doubt drawing a fair amount of attention or did she just kind of go about inconspicuously secreting them away? No matter, I'll entertain myself with my own answer. For $39.50 maybe you can have your answer too.

More about our Artist: When Madam is not scurrying about, rooting through the laundry rooms of local bordellos (for fashion ideas only of course), she's using acrylics to paint the St Louis Arch in Pointillism with her toes no less. She says it frees up her hands to practice for the Don Ho Championship try-outs with her Ukulele. Talented and a multi-tasker.

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